Each Energy Star Home must meet the performance and prescriptive standards developed by the EPA. These also require the installation and verification work to be performed by an ENERGY STAR-certified contractor.
The ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction (MFNC) Program is available for all attached residential new construction, except two-family dwellings. Townhouses must use the Energy Ratings Index (ERI) Performance path.
ENERGY STAR-certified homes and apartments are designed and built better from the ground up. They offer improved durability and comfort while lowering utility and maintenance costs.
Along with these benefits for homeowners, builders benefit from the ENERGY STAR program thanks to 45L tax credits. The 45L tax credit has been extended through 2032. The base-level tax credit will be specifically tied to ENERGY STAR certification for homes and units acquired on or after January 1, 2023.
To earn the ENERGY STAR, a home or apartment must meet strict program requirements for energy efficiency developed by ENERGY STAR’s Residential New Construction program. These program requirements are based on extensive interaction with the nation’s home-building industry, including builders, developers, verification professionals, and building scientists.
Homes built to standard code achieve a 20% improvement on average. This dramatic performance improvement is achieved through a complete package of building science measures, including
ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments reduce a homeowner’s monthly utility bills while providing high-quality performance. ENERGY STORE-certified homes have a higher market value and qualify for utility rebates and tax credits, making it worthwhile for builders to consider pursuing ENERGY STAR certification for the homes they build.
Third−party verification by an Energy Rating Company is required to ensure that a home or apartment meets ENERGY STAR program requirements. The Energy Network Worldwide (TEN) is here to work with you throughout the construction process. We can offer guidance on what is needed to document that the home or apartment is eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR label. This includes
The ENERGY STAR label on your new home or apartment offers the confidence that it has been built better from the ground up. ENERGY STAR-certified homes and apartments offer better energy efficiency and performance. They also open up access to energy-efficient mortgages. They are truly a better investment for today and tomorrow.
A DOE Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH) is a high-performance home that is so energy efficient that a renewable energy system could offset most or all the home’s annual energy use. Most types of new homes in the U.S. are eligible to participate in the DOE ZERH program, and Builders can receive the full $5,000 tax credit for building one of these coveted homes.
We will also work with you throughout the construction process. One of our raters will come on-site to perform site testing and inspections. This will ensure the home you’ve built matches your modeled design and meets all mandatory requirements. Then, when our rater determines that the home you’ve built fulfills these requirements, we will send their report to our oversight organization, RESNET. Once RESNET approves our documentation, they will send the rated home information to DOE to be recorded, and we can give you your ZERH certificate.